Little Friends Childcare Centre Health Policy
- All children MUST wash their hands before entering their classroom for preventive measures
- No child may attend who is deemed by a staff member to be unwell or a source of a contagious matter i.e. chicken pox, pink eye, flu like symptoms, continuous runny nose and coughing, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, etc..
- A child should be kept home
- With a fever of 100F ( 38.3C) or higher
- If vomiting or has diarrhea
- If infected with a communicable disease or condition
- With an acute cold with coughing, runny nose or eyes, sore throat. Children must be cleared by their doctor to return to school if some symptoms still exist
- if on antibiotics for less than 24 hours
- if not feeling well enough to participate in the centre’s activities
- A child with blisters /and or rash must have a doctors OK before returning to school
- It is recommended that all children have their immunization up to date
- Parents will inform if the child has been bitten by another child, if biting becomes a behaviorally concern by the staff, for health and safety reasons has the power to exclude the child from the centre
- Parents are to notify staff of any medications given to the child outside centre hours, especially if the medication may change the behavior of the child, i.e. cold medicine, allergy/ asthma medicine, etc..
- Medication will not be administered in the centre to any child unless the “ Request for Administration of Medicine at School” form is completed and signed by a doctor and the parent/guardian
- No staff member , student, volunteers judged to be ill and a source of infection may work in the centre
- All staff must observe the following preventive routines
- Staff will wash their hands upon arrival to the centre
- Staff will wash hands before snack time, food preparation, toileting children and assisting children with body fluids and blood
- Staff will practice Universal Precautions at all times
- The following heath related forms must be completed prior to the child attending
- Medical forms, immunizations up to date, list of known allergies with instructions of procedures, any medical concern the staff will need to be advised on
- All medical information is confidential and cannot be released without written permission with the parents/guardians
Updated June 2018